Network Solutions & Connectivity

Cyber Security Solutions In Egypt

What Are Cybersecurity Solutions in Egypt? Cyber security Solutions are the Practice of Protecting Computer Systems, Networks, and Data from unauthorized access, use, Disclosure, Disruption, Modification, or Destruction. It is often referred to as electronic information security or information technology security. What are the Types of Cyber Security in Egypt? The Three Major Types of

Top 5 Benefits of Leased Lines For Companies

Businesses can connect to the internet using leased lines, which are dedicated internet connections. Leased lines offer faster and more dependable internet connectivity for businesses because they are not shared with other customers like standard broadband connections are. Leased lines have a number of other benefits, in addition to increased speed and dependability, that

VDSL vs Leased Lines – The Main Differences

VDSL, or Very High Bitrate Digital Subscriber Line, is a broadband technology that offers faster data transmission speeds over existing copper telephone lines, primarily used for residential and small business connections. VDSL leverages advanced modulation techniques to achieve higher data rates than traditional DSL.  On the other hand, a leased line refers to a

What Is The Best Wifi Solutions in Egypt?

What is WiFi? WiFi (Wireless Fidelity) is a wireless technology that allows devices to connect to the internet or to each other without the need for cables. WiFi uses radio waves to transmit data, and it is the most common way to connect to the Internet in homes and businesses. What are The Types of

Which Vpn Works in Egypt?

What Is a Virtual Private Network Vpn? Virtual private networks (VPNs) are becoming increasingly popular VPNs in Egypt, as citizens look for ways to bypass government censorship and access blocked websites and apps. However, the Egyptian government is aware of the growing popularity of VPNs and has taken steps to block them. In 2017, the

By |2023-08-23T12:57:42+02:00August 14th, 2023|Categories: Network Solutions & Connectivity, VPN|0 Comments

Microwave Network Connection

What is Microwave Network Connection? A microwave network connection is a type of wireless communication that uses microwaves to transmit data between two points. Microwaves are a form of radio waves that have a frequency of between 3 and 30 gigahertz (GHz). This frequency range is well-suited for long-distance communication because it can be transmitted

By |2023-08-23T12:51:21+02:00August 13th, 2023|Categories: Microwave Network Connection, Network Solutions & Connectivity|0 Comments

Fiber Optics Connections Between Advantages, Disadvantages and Uses

What are Fiber Optics Connections? Fiber optic connections are the fastest, most reliable, and most secure type of internet connection available. They use fiber optic cables to transmit data, which are made of glass or plastic and are able to transmit data at very high speeds. This makes fiber optic connections ideal for applications that

How Does Leased Line Work?

What is the Leased Line? A leased line Service is a dedicated telecommunications circuit that is offered by a business agreement between two or more sites, it is also sometimes referred to as a data line and as a private circuit. Leased lines in Egypt are typically utilized by enterprises to link far-flung locations. Leased

ما هي خطوط الليزد لاين وأهميتها للشركات والمؤسسات؟

نعيش فى عصر الاتصالات ونعتمد عليها فى أعمالنا وفى حياتنا اليومية بداية من متابعتنا الاخبار اليومية وتعاملنا مع وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وصولا إلى اعتمادنا عليها في الدراسة وانجاز الاعمال الهامه تختلف وسائل الاتصال المستخدمة من قبل الأفراد والمؤسسات حيث يعتمد الأفراد عادة على ال الدي اس ال للاستخدام المنزلى و ايضا فى الأعمال الصغيرة

By |2023-05-28T12:28:01+02:00May 9th, 2023|Categories: Leased Line|Tags: |0 Comments

تعرف علي الفرق بين خدمة الخطوط المؤجرة او الليزد لاين وبين اتصالات النطاق العريض

ما هو خط الليزد لاين Leased Line ؟ - الخط المؤجر او الليزد لاين هذا النوع من الاتصال يتم من خلال شركة الاتصالات او ممن خلال مزودى خدمة لانترنت ISP  . حيث يتم تاجير خط Leased Line ليكون خاص بالشركة ليربط بين الفروع فقط . وغير مشترك فيه أحد بمعنى ان يكون التوصيل بالشبكة خاص

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